5 Good Case Practices for LinkedIn Marketing

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LinkedIn might have become twice as popular as it previously was. However, people still find navigating through it difficult. Brand marketing and using LinkedIn for business are needs everybody wants to fulfill. We will break down five good case practices for LinkedIn Marketing in this microblog for you.

Building Your Personal Profiles

Do you remember the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile?

We bet it was the last time you were searching for a job. While businesses must update theirs with fresh content constantly, job candidates should update theirs whenever needed. With a regularly updated profile, you can stay ahead of trends. This also includes putting up posts and sharing content. Building your profile isn’t only about looks; you need to network, too. Join groups, communicate with others, and promote discussion to solidify your profile.

Come Up with Audience Specific Content

Don’t quite know your audience? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Who reads my content?
  2. Who follows me on LinkedIn?
  3. Who can I target?

If you have been marketing yourself or a product on your employer’s behalf, you must have an idea about your audience. Recognizing and writing audience-specific content is crucial. You want conversions off every lead and not to send them away. To do this, make sure you understand what your audience likes and give it to them.

Visual Appeal

Why would someone scrolling through their LinkedIn stop to properly read your post? It is pretty simple: they will not – unless you have something to offer. Visual appeals come in here. Making your content visually appealing increases the likelihood of retaining old customers, bringing in new ones, and even achieving possible conversions.

You can use visuals from sites like Unsplash for images or design your content on software like Canva. No one knows your brand better than you. Just make sure you are consistent in color and design, as this aids in a stronger recall. Should you have some budget to spare on an agency – like us – don’t be afraid! Make sure you communicate all your needs.

Understanding LinkedIn Itself

Most of you make this mistake. LinkedIn is not like Facebook or Instagram; it is a network for professionals. You cannot use the same marketing techniques you might on other social media platforms for LinkedIn. The disconnect will impact your return.

Want a boost on your LinkedIn? Need to reach your target audience hassle-free? Contact us today to find out how we can help.