How Text Classification can be a Keyword Strategy

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In order to have a nice amount of usage of keywords for your content, there needs to be a good text classification used in order to know what options you have for keywords. Using text classification that involves Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency will be able to evaluate how important words can be as a whole. When these are applied to your content, the emphasis can be seen in their marketing efforts.

Defining and Calculating Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency

The basic understanding of Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency is a score surrounding text classification that shows the relevance of the document words. All relevance is determined by the amount of appearances the word makes within a document. Both of these frequencies get used a lot with white papers and other documents used for research.

Both the Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency have many variations. The variations used include various frequencies. However, the result ends with both of them being combined in order to develop a score. The importance of the score is an indicator of how the keywords play a significant part in each document. When the score is small, then the word will be commonly used, and a large score will indicate little use of a word.

How SEO is Benefitted by Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency

When SEO is used as a strategy, the TF-IDF is able to provide an overview to marketers in order to make adjustments to their keyword and where it is placed. When it comes to keyword placement, the keyword density is stressed by a certain number of words seen in the content. This is why it is a good idea to have an analyst decide on keyword placement.

With this, a marketer will have an understanding of what the content will look like when a word is inserted. A good example of this is when a page has gaps in the content, and these spaces will be where the word is placed or where a better word can be placed so that ranking can be at the top of the search. By having an adjustment made, the keyword can be adjusted among many pages of content to keep it from being mangled and filled onto a single page.

Decisions of Text Classification Could Lead the Way towards SEO for Machine Learning

A marketer using machine learning systems such as Python is able to use TfidVectorizer, which is a library that enables an analysis that is equal to the R program’s Tidytext. What this means is that both Python and R are able to be run in order for calculations to be created. When a formula of TF-IDF is created, it may not be accessible due to the analyst sorting text that the language uses.

Create Improved Strategies for SEO Keywords

Using a text classification allows you to obtain a better audit of SEO words that can describe your content. When comparing page content and word frequency can allow for an increase of SEO awareness of when words are inserted and give an emphasis to the query.


Having text classification is able to become a great keyword strategy. If you and your business are in need of clarification of how text classification can benefit you, then get a hold of us today so we can go over the process in detail.