How to Make Your Blogs SEO-Friendly

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Just like your website, your blog needs to be optimized for searches in order for your posts to get the engagement you want. While some people may become regular readers of your blog, many others will only find it because one of your posts matches up with their search. Making your blogs SEO-friendly isn’t that difficult. Here are a few ways of making certain your posts rank for searches.

Include Keywords

Just like a webpage, you need to think about what keywords your blog is going to touch on. These keywords may help you determine the topic of the blog, or the blog may be used to determine the keywords. Both are valid options. Once you know what keyword you want the post to rank for, you need to determine how to carefully insert it into the content. Always focus on using it naturally, and do your best to avoid putting the exact keyword or keyword phrase in the blog too many times. Use variations of the keyword, and don’t forget to include your location whenever appropriate. Include a keyword in at least one of your sub-headings, too.

Don’t Forget the Meta-Data

Most blogging platforms have a place for meta-data. This includes keywords, a summary of the content, and short descriptions of images that appear if the images don’t load. Be sure to fill in all of the slots for meta-data available on your blogger platform. This information is what many search engines use to determine if your blog post is a good match for a query.

Your Post Shouldn’t Be Too Short or Too Long

The optimal length of a blog post is something that, like many SEO rules, has changed over time. Currently, you want your post to be at least 300 words long. If it’s any shorter, it may not fully cover the topic. If it’s too long, though, some users may not read it due to the length. While search engines do like longer posts, make certain you’re not putting too much into one blog post. If you are, think about ways to split the content into several shorter posts.

Need help with your blog? BlendIM has years of experience in blogging and SEO. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.