Part II: Social Media Marketing Best Practices

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Liquori Co is comprised of internet marketing specialists, designers and information technology experts. We know how to design sites, and market them by driving traffic to your website through search engines optimization and social media marketing, which all work in tandem to help your bottom line and boost overall sales.

Though a majority of business owners know they should be active on social media, many simply don’t have the time, the manpower or the skills to post on a regular basis and make effective use of the time they are spending on the social media channels.

At Liquori Co, social is a big part of what we do, so let us take the reins and lead social media marketing efforts to get you, our clients, the ROI you need and deserve for all of the good business you are doing!

As we teased in the last blog, here is a practice that every social media specialist should know: The rule of thirds, which is a widely discussed social media “best practice.” It involves three topics to consider when planning social media content.

1. Promote
Take a restaurant for example, content promoting the restaurant may be the announcement of a burger special with a mouth-watering photo.

2. Share related news
Posting news article or even a competitor’s’ post about the industry in which a business belongs is a great way to show followers that the business- its owners and staff- are relevant and involved. This helps establish and build credibility with the audience. A craft beer spot may share an article from a reputable news source about how the craft beer industry is changing, or even share a competitors’ post that includes a funny photo.

3. Show personality
Find fun ways to keep your followers in the know and made them feel welcomed into your community. Post about new artwork installed at the restaurant or a copycat recipe for a popular unique dressing or sauce created by the chef.

While in essence all three content topics serve to promote the business, they do so in different ways.

As internet marketers and social media strategists, it’s our job to educate our clients on the importance of establishing a voice and content theme for social media, as this greatly affects how the business is viewed by their target audience and in the media.